Newbs and Books

We’ve got 3 new ladies in our craft group in the past 3 weeks.  Woohoo!!!

They’re fitting in nicely and will be just as jovial, and determined to create beautiful things as the rest of us in no time.

I took a CPR certificate class through ICA on Monday. I haven’t laughed that hard in ages.

There were more male volunteers than female at the course,  which blew me away. Our supervisor Zoe was an angel and wasn’t put off by the light-hearted banter and ribbing that was passed around.

I was amazed at how the resus techniques have changed in the 13 years. ~since I last got my accreditation~

They’ve now added a defibrillator on the end of the old D.R. A.B.C  -D.

30 compressions, 2 breaths, 5 repitions in a 2 minute span. BLIMEY!

Hope I never have to put the skills to practical use, but it’s there if I need to use it.

I’ve also been reading to fill in a bit of down time. I finished Yasmine Galenorn’s Bone Magic, and I’ve moved onto Sherrilyn Kenyon’s Bad Moon Rising.

Both are well written, and are the kind of books you’d have no problem picking up again down the track to ride the adventure one more time.

2 days till the Bead and Gem show!

My Wish List for the Bead and Gem Show

Just when you thought it was safe to put away your purse… The bead and Gem Show rolls into town.

Anyway here’s my wish list for this year.

  • 20 Gague wire in a rainbow of colours
  • 6mm round Amathyst beads
  • Wildlight Studio beads
  • Glass Chillies
  • Organza Bags
  • Gift Boxes
  • Something special just for me

So as you can see the list is rather short this year. Lets just hope I find everything I want for a price I can afford.

Numb bum/ Surfie bum

Took the kiddo out of school early on Friday so we could get a head start on the traffic through Brisbane City on our way to Coolum and Noosa.

Packed the car and off we went.

We got there about 4-ish. Unpacked the car and took the drive out to the hospital to visit Mum. She’s had her first knee replaced.

Now it’s not an awful thing to read a refedex. I can  do it. And… if I’m not stressed, I can get us from point A to point B with minimal fuss and virtually no detours.

However the trip to the hospital on Friday evening was a NIGHTMARE!!!

It doesn’t help when you’re driving in the rainy half light and this type of sign comes at you…

How dumb is this sign?

If you’re not a local and have no clue which order the destinations lay in geographically, this type of sign is the stupidest idea ever put into action.

The worst bit is maybe only 5% of the roads on the way to the hospital have signposts. The ones that ARE sign posted are designed to ‘blend in’ with the surroundings and not stand out. Which I thought would be the whole *&^$#%& point. Hmm how silly of me to think people would want to be able to read the street signs.

We did end up making it to the hospital in one piece (Just) and Mum is fine. Thank the powers that be.

The trek back to our unit was almost as hellish as the trip out. Actually maybe more-so. The rain was harder and there are no street lights along most of the way. Almost enough to cause a nervous break down.

Mac Crap for dinner that night and off to bed we went.

Saturday morning. Rainy and cold again.

Wouldn’t have bothered me if I didn’t have to use this…

The Toaster

To make breakfast.

We headed out to walk along the esplanade despite the cold and the almost rain.

Just a tad chilly looking.

The kiddo and I went wandering around the rocks to see what we could see.

And of course she stepped right into a rock pool. *head slap*

What's that Mum... Splash!

So back to the unit we went so she could get out of her squishy shoe, me giggling the entire way home.  Then we got ready to go visit Mum again.

Then the most horrific thing happened. Hubby found my fist grey hair. O…M….G!!!!!

I could not believe it. And it wasn’t a short one either. It was almost as long as every other hair on that side of my head which means it had been there for AGES!!!

I’m not even 30 for ^%$#^*!! sakes.

It is now in a zip lock bag marked with the date and what’s inside. I am mortified.

Hubby chose a different route to get to the hospital and it turned out easier to follow, and it helped we were going to get there in broad daylight.

Mum was up and about, which was wonderful to see. We even took her for a spin to go visit a lady she met at the information sessions before their surgery. She is a delightful woman with a gentle voice and a warm inviting smile.

And… she bought some of my jewellery.  But I would have liked her just the same if she’d just ooo’d and ahhh’d over my pieces. It was a nice bonus to have her insist on purchasing her favourites.

“Retail therapy I didn’t even have to get out of bed for.”

We said our goodbyes and headed back to Mum’s room.

We hung around for a while longer and headed off about 6-ish.

Spaghetti bolegnese for dinner, and I had a great idea to use up the excess milk we didn’t want to have to transport home again.

Out I went into the cold evening to buy some Milo.

The waiter at one of the restaurants gave me an approving look and a Hi-how-are-ya. It was an ego boost, since he was a bit of alright, but I couldn’t help but think to myself… “bet you wouldn’t be giving me the eye if you’d been the one to find that grey hair buck-o.”

So we curled up in the warmth sipping warm Milo I’d heated up in this…


And again off to bed we went.

Sunday morning was an early rise because the sun was FINALLY out and we had to get the car packed to head home. We walked along the esplanade again to try the same spots in better light.

There were Surfers. Woohoo!


And the kiddo didn’t step in the rock pools. But I owe Hubby another close up.

She Sells Sea Shells by the Sea Shore

So we’re now home safe and sound and Mum’s graduated to crutches today so watch out world.

Last week of school for the kiddo and then we’ll be heading into the 2 weeks of boredom otherwise known as the June/July holidays.

Kill a little time

I always seem to be able to pull some pretty shots out of thin air when I’m trying to flatten the camera battery to be recharged.

This morning I realised how many flowers are in bloom in my gardens. The Gold Bunny Roses that are supposed to be dormant at this time of the year have had one last hurrah.

Gold Bunny Rose

Then there’s the Camellias. So pretty with the last drops of rain on them.

Pink Camellia

Lastly is the Aloe Vera flower, which barely fits into the frame.

Aloe Vera

Have a great weekend every one.

Pretty Blue Beads

I hit Beads and Beads week before last. The prices really make me long for the next few weeks to fly by as the Brisbane Bead and Gem Show at the RNA Show grounds isn’t far away. (2nd, 3rd, 4th July)

Anyway I bought 3 sets of beads to make what I’m now calling the Equinox necklaces.

The ones in this blog are the blue set.

Spring Equinox Blue

Spring Equinox Blue Close Up

I haven’t worked out which day I want to hit the bead and gem show but I can tell you I will be looking at the stock on sale this year more than I have in the past. Looks like a good list of exhibitors.

Might see some of you around.

You know you’ve had an impact when…

The ICA event yesterday seems to have gone really well. Reports were all positive.

My girls made about $50 each selling the bracelets, bags, and other assortment of beautiful craft items they’d made.  I am SO proud of them.

I wish I could have been there.

The westerly winds have certainly blown in with gusto this week.

Was a shock to the system walking the kiddo to school for the first time this week.  (She’s had a cough)

Makes me want to get the hell back in bed and snuggle with the cats.

Cold air makes for pretty sunsets, and probably sunrises as well, (not that I’d know in the last few days BRRR)

Sunset 9 June 2010

Totally looked like a polar fleece blanket in the sky. Maybe it was telling us something??

I’m looking forward to the long weekend. It should be full of warm things and fluffy cuddles. As long as they don’t sit in my pile of jump rings we’ll all get through it in one piece and the fur won’t fly.

Stay warm everyone!

ICA Springfield

Tomorrow my craft group will have a table on display with some (not all) of the projects we’ve done in the last 8 months at Springfield ICA.

My craft group (minus 3)

Feel free to drop in and have a coffee, stay for the BBQ and see what kind of mischief we get up to.  Take a look at the link above ↑ (Next to About Me) for website and address details.

Also up ↑↑↑ there, I’ve added a fresh link to Marianne de Pierres’ website. She’s been more than generous offering me space on her revamped website to sell my jewellery. There are some exclusive pieces that relate to 3 of her book series, also some extremely limited edition necklaces.

The Parrish Charm Bracelet

Check it all out and remember to send me a photo of you wearing any pieces you may buy. I want to start a spot the bauble page.

Clouds can be helpful

I’ve been really trying to take decent photos for my new venture. I’ve found that cloudy days work really well for defusing the light, however, I need it not to rain at the same time.

Bring on the clouds.

Not this many though.

Too many clouds

Brilliant sunshine at the moment. We’ll hope for a little cloud cover later on.

Almost Friday Woohoo!!

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